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What Can I Be Doing Today?

What Can I Be Doing Today?

  1. Ask each council officer to supply three names of potential candidates. Your goal will be to come up with twenty-five eligible men.

  2. Write a letter on behalf of your Parish Priest asking these twenty-five men to join the Council. Ask your Priest to review and sign it.

  3. Mail it, then follow-up with a phone call. Make sure you speak to your candidate, don’t just leave messages. Let them know that their Parish needs them and that Father wants them to become a member. If your Pastor extends a personal invitation it will make a very strong impression!

  4. Get your degree scheduled!

Experience shows that one third of the prospects will join using this approach which equates to eight new members. Phase two of this plan is to do the same thing with the exception being in step one. Instead of the officers, have each one of your council members supply three names at the next business meeting. If you only have ten men show up, that is still thirty prospects giving you a realistic opportunity for ten new members. This strategy requires about one or two hours worth of time to print, mail, follow-up and has a huge dividend.

Every council should also have a membership and retention team to spearhead your recruiting events.

This dedicated focus will keep the ball throughout the year and you will avoid having membership hit the back burner. If you need any help please do not hesitate to contact your District Deputy, Regional Chairman or anyone on the state membership team.

6 Reasons to Join the Knights

  1. You Can Change Lives – The Supreme Knight and the Board of Directors has forged a partnership with the Global Wheelchair Mission, which provides low-cost, high-quality wheelchairs to poor people around the world.  The Supreme Knight has personally seen in Haiti how a wheel chair can change a life. During his experience in Haiti, he joined others in lifting people into wheelchairs who were injured in the earthquake. In addition, the Order is making available prosthetic limbs to all children who lost a limb in the Haiti earthquake, at no charge.

  2. You Can Save Lives – The Knights of Columbus is dedicated to providing ultrasound machines to pro-life pregnancy centers across the United States. Thus far, over 500 machines have been delivered to centers across this country. One machine saved a set of twins when the mother canceled a scheduled abortion after seeing the babies on an ultrasound. She was the first woman to have an ultra- sound on that machine.

  3. You Can Help Build Up the Church – As stated by Pope John Paul II, The Knights of Columbus is the strong right arm of the Church and the helping hand of every pastor. The Order is an ardent supporter of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and many of the newest vocations today come directly from Knights of Columbus families and the members of college councils.

  4. You Can Discern Your Own Vocation – Whether God is calling you to priesthood or the lay life, membership in the Knights of Columbus is a sure way to discern just what God has in mind for you. In the fraternal company of like-minded Catholic men; in the process of planning and carrying out charitable and religious programs with your council, and in prayerful reflection at spiritual events, you are more likely to hear God’s call, and to have the courage and conviction to respond with generosity.

  5. You Can Develop Leadership Skills – As a knight, men are called to be not only tomorrow’s leaders, but the leaders of today. By joining a Catholic organization of 1.8 million men and their families, a man has a built-in structure and tradition through which to express his individual talents and skills and build them as he moves along the leadership positions in his council.

  6. You Can Protect Your Family – As a Knight you have exclusive access to top rated insurance protection for your family. We provide financial security to members and their families without compromise to the highest ethical and moral standards aligned with our Catholic faith. How strong and secure? There is no more highly rated insurer in North America than the Knights of Columbus!

6 Reasons to Join the Knights

Answering Concerns

Today’s young man faces many commitments. From his duty to his family to his obligation to his work place, there are constant calls on his time. It’s a common concern among many prospects that they just don’t have the time to be a part of the Knights of Columbus. Men and their families will want more information about the Knights, what it can do for them and what will be expected from them. 

Provide ready answers by:

  1. Create and share a council brochure listing council activities and events

  2. Get and share the Supreme brochure "Did You Know?" #1267

  3. Brainstorm with your recruitment team answers to some expected concerns. Some typical questions and answers may be found in Close The Deal Responses

  4. Share the "24 Hour Knight" concept showing how little time is needed to become an active Knight. DD Vince Meis gives a good breakdown

  5. Remind the man and his family that its not only what the Knights want from him in time, talent and energy, but also what the Knights can offer to them in benefits, fraternity and social interaction.

Answering Concerns

Bishop Church Drive Resources

Grand Knight Letter




Pastor's Letter


In Solidarity Membership Campaign




Pastor's Letter


The Church Drive Resources

How-To Guide


We Are Men of the Catholic Church


Sample Pulpit Talk


6 Reasons to Join the Knights


Father Wants You Resources



Bulletin Insert


Letter Template 02


Letter Template 04

Church of St. Malachy

Madrid, Iowa



Letter Template 01


Letter Template 03

Assumption Catholic Church

Granger, Iowa

Give Me Five Guys Resources



Rule of Thumb


Recruitment Flyers

Band of Brothers

Full Page (Portrait)

Culture of Life

Full Page (Landscape)



Full Page (Landscape)


Visionary Founder

Full Page (Landscape)


Become a Knight

Full Page (detailed)

Full Page (generic)

Go Be the Difference

Full Page (Landscape)

See the Baby

Full Page (Landscape)


Convention Winners

Full Page (Landscape)


Open Tomb

Full Page (Landscape)


Special Olympics

Full Page (Landscape)

Miscellaneous Resources

Membership Guide


Membership Resources


Invitation Tracker


Young Catholic Recruitment


Shining Armor Award

The Knights of Columbus

"Shinning Armor Award"

New Member Program

QR code cards


Conversation Prompts


Overcoming Objections to Join


Membership Growth


Diocese of Davenport Resources

Bishop Letter



Full Page (Landscape)

Bishop Letter


Diocese of Des Moines Resources

Bishop Letter



Full Page (Landscape)

Bishop Letter


Archdiocese of Dubuque Resources

Bishop Letter



Full Page (Landscape)

Bishop Letter


Diocese of Sioux City Resources

Bishop Letter



Full Page (Landscape)

Bishop Letter


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