Perpetual Memorial Society

The Iowa Knights of Columbus Perpetual Memorial Society was established in 1990 and provides a way to remember and pray for our loved ones and friends. Anyone is welcome to enroll anyone they choose (family, friends, loved ones) in the society.
Next of kin will receive a letter of condolence if requested from the Perpetual Memorial Society chairman. The donor will be sent an email or letter of appreciation if desired for using the Perpetual Memorial Society as a way of remembering and praying for their loved ones for eternity.
The amount of the donation will never be revealed. Donations are allocated for Vocations and presented to our four Iowa bishops annually.
The Iowa Knights of Columbus Perpetual Memorial Society maintains books that will be present at every Mass offered at functions of the Iowa Knights of Columbus. These books show, in alphabetical order, the enrollee’s name, year of birth and death, as well as the donor’s name. In addition, a complete listing can be found on the Iowa Knights of Columbus Perpetual Memorial Society webpage and in the Iowa Knights of Columbus archive, which is preserved at the State Historical Society of Iowa Archives in Iowa City.
To Search a Section of Enrollees, Donors or Council/Assembly Use CTRL-F to bring up a Search Box.