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State Leadership

Elected Officers

Each year, the delegates to the Annual Meeting of the State Council elect five brother Knight to serve as their elected leaders for the ensuring fraternal year. Each State Officer has specific duties and together they will guide the operations of the State Council. Each of the State Officers serve on the Executive Committee.


State Deputy

Perry, IA

The State Deputy is the CEO of the State Council. He presides over all meetings, makes all appointments, and gives direction to the entire state staff. He is the primary representative of the Supreme Knight within the state, and serves as a permanent member of the Supreme Council.

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State Secretary

State Center, IA

The State Secretary serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the State Council. He causes the official documents of the State Council to be filed and ensures the minutes of all meetings are recorded. He chairs the Committee on Credentials, and does other duties as assigned by the State Deputy. 

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State Warden

Sioux City, IA

The State Warden calls for the proper arrangement of all meeting of the State Council. He guards the doors and vouches for the members attending the Annual Meeting of the State Council. The State Warden does other duties as assigned by the State Deputy. 

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Rev. Fr. Ray

State Chaplain

Gutherie Center, IA

The State Chaplain is the spiritual advisor of the State Council. He advises the State Deputy and oversees all religious activities of the State Council. The State Chaplain is appointed annually by the elected State Deputy.


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State Treasurer

Ankeny, IA

The State Treasurer oversees the fiscal affairs of the State Council, working in collaboration with the Executive Secretary, Assistant State Treasurer, and all members of the state team.

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Lee, PSD

Master- 4th Degree

Cedar Falls, IA

The Master is an appointed officer by the Supreme Master to oversee all aspects of the 4th Degree within the state.

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Immediate Past State Deputy

Altoona, IA

The Immediate Past State Deputy serves as an advisor to the State Deputy, and regularly represents the State Council at events across the jurisdiction. He presides during portions of the annual meeting and is a permanent member of the Supreme Council.

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State Advocate

Ankeny, IA

The State Advocate ensures the meetings and actions of the State Council conform with the Laws, Rules, and By-Laws of the Order and the By-laws and rules of the State Council. He chairs the Committee on Resolutions.


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