Reminder Annual 2022 KofC CAMPOUT, Amana, IA
Contact our Senators on marriage bill
State Deputy presents Sioux City Diocese Chaplain of the Year Award
Onawa-Blencoe Knights and Parishioners show off Gardening Skills
Iowa Catholic Conference Newsletter, July 1, 2022
U.S. Supreme Court reverses Roe. v. Wade
Ethnic Outreach - Council 743 recruiting efforts June 25, 26
State Deputy presents Dubuque Chaplain of the Year Award
State Deputy presents Davenport Chaplain of the Year Award
Iowa Supreme Court reverses decision recognizing a fundamental right to abortion
Sir Knights Visible Again at SOIA Opening Ceremonies
Ida Grove 10864 Hosts Hybrid Exemplification
Military Archdiocese Needs our Support
LeMars 4th Degree Exemplification
Virtual Patriotic Exemplification - June 26, 7PM
Iowa Catholic Conference Newsletter, June 9, 2022
Centerville Schools Friend of Education
Diocese of Davenport Ordains 4
Iowa Legislature adjourns for the year