Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge
The Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge is a competition designed for players to demonstrate the most basic soccer skill – the penalty kick. Open to all boys and girls in your community, ages 9-14, where each player will be allowed 15 shots at the goal from the penalty line (12 yards from the goal). Winners progress to the district, regional, state and international levels.
All you need to hold an event is a regular soccer goal (8 feet tall and 24 feet long) and enough room for a kick from 12 yards away. Manpower should be at least 4 Knights to set the soccer balls on the kicking line, run the balls after the kick, and keep score. And of course, as many soccer balls as you can get and a thick rope.
The goal needs to be setup for scoring based on where the ball enters the goal. Use the rope to set the different targets as shown in the following picture.

It is that simple! Follow these steps:
Review the Soccer Challenge Guide Sheet
Have a Soccer Challenge Entry Form/Score Sheet for each participant. Available HERE
Check the Regional Competition Schedules by checking this site's Calendar of Events
Send winning Soccer Challenge Entry forms/Score sheets (#4578) to the next level of competition.
To gain credit for your program, complete the associated reporting forms. • Immediately after your event is finished, complete the Fraternal Programs Report Form (#10784)