We need more teams to register!
Please share the info with your council members, the 2021 KofC State Golf Tournament is July 17th in Iowa City at Finkbine Golf Course! 4-man best ball format, $75 per person /$300 Team.
Info can be found at https://www.iowakofc.org/golf or register to play at https://knightsofcolumbus15049.org/2021golf/
Thank you! Jamie McNaughton State Program Director Iowa Knights of Columbus programs@iowakofc.orgWe need more teams to register, if we do not reach our minimum number of teams, the committee will have to consider canceling or postponing the tournament for this year! Please share the info with your council members, the 2021 KofC State Golf Tournament is July 17th in Iowa City at Finkbine Golf Course! 4-man best ball format, $75 per person /$300 Team. Info can be found at https://www.iowakofc.org/golf or register to play at https://knightsofcolumbus15049.org/2021golf/ Thank you! Jamie McNaughton State Program Director Iowa Knights of Columbus programs@iowakofc.org