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Our Duty as Knights

Membership Director

Brothers, during this unprecedented time we need to make sure that you as a Grand Knight continue to keep your council active and to be a beacon of faith for our communities. I remind each of you to continue to call on your DD’s for assistance and to call on your Priests. Remind them of our role as Knights. We are an army for the Church and we must continue to do God’s work and we are willing to help.

Our councils need to make calls to everyone in their faith community, as we are kept away from the Eucharist we need to keep everyone closer to their faith. We need to continue our works of Charity. When we make necessary trips to get supplies, be sure we are offering to pick up supplies for the homebound and elderly and those with higher risks. I ask all councils to engage in calling trees. Assign officers to make calling lists and start making calls. Be sure you are calling EVERYONE IN YOUR PARISH! Members and potential members need to hear from us. Invite nonmembers to join us online at

Use social media platforms to continue to help spread God’s word and keep positive messages going. Remember our State Deputy’s motto “RISE UP AND SHARE GOD’S JOY”! This is a perfect opportunity for councils to regroup and rethink their impact in the community. We have been given the chance to refocus from just being known for Fish Fries, Pancake Breakfasts, guys with funny hats to being known as the group that rallied behind their Faith community and are known better for spreading God’s word and evangelizing the community. When people are scared of the unknown and fear spreads throughout the world, we need to remind everyone that God will calm their fears and give them the strength to weather any storm. We are Knights, we have our Rosaries and the Blessed Mary to give us strength. Brothers this is our time. Go out and spread the word! Remind all that the Knights of Columbus will be there and the more brothers we have in faith the stronger we will be. Push online membership! Encourage councils to utilize the conference call for their meeting. We may have to keep social distance, but with all of the available technology we can still be social and help spread the word. Start prayer chains and utilize all of the media available on Supreme’s website. Encourage everyone to check out the “into the Breach” videos. Share all online Mass schedules with everyone. Stay healthy and we will Rise Up and continue to Share God’s Joy


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