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Happy Birthday LC Clinic in Atlantic


Happy 10th Birthday! LC Clinic took a big leap of faith as it first opened its doors on March 5, 2012, in Stuart, Iowa. The organization, which began as a non-medical pregnancy resource center, has much to look back on over 10 years of providing services to mothers, fathers, and families. The milestones have included conversion into a pregnancy medical clinic in 2013 and opening its second clinic in Creston in 2015. How appropriate that God, having brought LC Clinic this far in ten years, would bring it to open its third clinic this very year in Atlantic! Members of that first steering committee, Dr. Tim and Sara Piearson, continue their involvement, with Tim serving as LC Clinic’s Medical Director. A brief history of LC (LifeCare) Clinic is attached.

Atlantic Clinic Work Days LC Clinic is seeking volunteers for upcoming work days to prepare the Atlantic clinic for its upcoming opening. These work days in the building at 507 Chestnut Street in Atlantic will be from 9 to 5 on Saturdays March 12 and 19. The work to be performed will include putting together furniture, hanging pictures, cleaning, etc., with no special skills or tools required. Lunch will be provided. Please contact Brent Myers at 712-254-0223 to volunteer. 2022 Banquets Please watch for your invitation to the annual fundraising banquets, which will be held on Thursdays, April 21 in Atlantic, April 28 in Redfield, and May 5 in Creston. This year’s banquets, with the 2022 theme “Hope Changes Everything”, will include the wonderful announcement of the opening date for the Atlantic clinic! These banquets are the largest fundraiser of the year for LC Clinic, which is 100 percent privately funded through churches, businesses, and individuals. The banquet evenings will include a plated dinner and testimonies from clients and staff. The keynote speaker will be Pastor Ben Winford of New Life Church in Atlantic. Dinner is complimentary, and an opportunity to make a financial gift will be extended. Banquet registration is now open at under the Events tab. 2022 Annual Diaper Drive Please reply to this email or call 712-254-0223 to arrange delivery or pickup of diapers, as the 2022 Annual Diaper Drive is now wrapping up. LC Clinic is so grateful for your generous donations of this important item for its Baby Boutiques. Please remember that LC Clinic accepts donations of diapers and other baby items any day of the year! Speaking Opportunities Hannah Shady, Executive Director, frequently speaks about LC Clinic at churches and to other groups, including her recent talk at Fellowship Church in Oakland, which you can watch on (search for Hannah Shady. Sunday Service/Special Guest Hannah Shady 1.30.22 – from 43:38 to 1:05). Please consider inviting Hannah to speak at your church or organization. Prayer Please pray in gratitude for ten years of the God-given opportunity to provide loving needed service to LC Clinic’s clients, for all those clients that have been served and will be served, for continued progress in opening this third clinic, and for successful fundraising banquets. Please pray for the people of Ukraine and for the people sheltering the refugees. May they find hope. Hope Changes Everything. Dottie Krogh, Communications LC Clinic


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