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Gearing Up for Elections in Your Council


It is the month of May and councils should be getting their list of 2021-2022 fraternal leaders ready to charge into the new year. Along those lines here is a list of the officers and a short description of their role. For more information checkout

Grand Knight - The grand knight is the council's chief executive officer. He is responsible for setting council goals and ensuring that all officers fulfill their duties in reaching these objectives. He presides over all meetings; appoints program and committee directors as needed; fills officer roles in the event of vacancies; countersigns checks and orders for payment; and oversees the council’s degree team. Ideally, the grand knight should be a junior so that as a senior he can serve as a mentor for the next grand knight. The grand knight must complete the Safe Environment training.

Deputy Grand Knight - The deputy grand knight serves as the grand knight's right-hand man and fills in for the grand knight when he is not present. Some deputy grand knights serve as their council's program director. Ultimately, he assists the grand knight in leading the council and reaching council objectives. In some councils, the deputy grand knight role might be used to groom a possible grand knight candidate for the following year. Finally, the deputy grand knight may serve as a liaison between the council and other groups that share similar interest (i.e. Newman Club, pro-life club, etc.).

Chancellor - The chancellor assists both the grand and deputy grand knights in the leading of the council by engaging and strengthening the council's membership. His primary responsibilities include recruiting and retaining members and to this end he should set up events that display the values and principles of the Knights of Columbus. The chancellor should participate in the council's degree team and should serve on both the Admission and Retention committees.

Treasurer – The treasurer is responsible for managing the council funds, whether in bank or school accounts. He receives money from the financial secretary and deposits funds into council accounts. He is also responsible for paying all council expenses. He also balances and verifies the ledger and keeps the updated budget approved by the council.

Advocate - The advocate acts as council parliamentarian. He should be knowledgeable in Robert's Rules of Order and Methods of Conducting a Council Meeting (#1937). He may seek legal assistance from the state advocate, should issues arise. The advocate should be able to take on additional responsibilities as the council deems necessary.

Recorder - The recorder has the responsibility of recording all meetings and events held by the council. He should record minutes, conversations and other information helpful to the council and prepare them to be distributed to the membership in a timely manner. Additionally, he should help with council event notifications, council meeting reminders, and assist with council social media responsibilities.

Warden - The warden is responsible for the property owned by the council. He is also in charge of setting up meetings and leads both the inside and outside guards. Many college councils utilize the warden and guards as custodians of the campus ministry property which may include raking leaves, shoveling snow and assisting with interior maintenance.

Inside/Outside Guards - The inside and outside guards carry out tasks given to them by the grand knight and follow the warden's orders. They are responsible for checking membership cards and allowing entrance to meetings. Councils should consider appointing additional inside and outside guards, especially among promising freshmen, as this provides early leadership opportunities.

Trustees (3) - The trustees advise the grand knight, supervise the council's financial matters, and conduct the semiannual audits. Usually the immediate past grand knight will serve as a trustee. Some college councils utilize alumni members and/or university faculty members as the other two trustees to provide additional oversight and support.

Appointed Positions


Financial Secretary


Program Director

Faith Director

Family Director

Community Director

Life Director

Membership Director

Retention Chairman


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