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Diocese of Davenport Ordains 4


This past weekend at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Davenport, Bishop Zinkula ordained two priests and two deacons into the dioceses of Daveport.

Benjamin G. Snyder and Dale E. Mallory were ordained to the priesthood, and Isaac V. Doucette and Dominic H. Nguyen were ordained to the transitional diaconate on June 4th, 2022.

Isaac is a member of Council 842 and Assembly 267 in Iowa City, a former District Deputy and Co-Chair for the 2015 State Convention.

The 4th degree honor guard was there in celebration along with representation from the Iowa Knights of Columbus and Supreme.

Picture: Isaac Doucette being vested.

Pictured Bishop Zinkula with Deacon Isaac Doucette

Pictured: Isaac with the 4th degree honor guard and Bishop Zinkula

Pictured: Isaac with his family and Bishop Zinkula


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