It is with great joy to share with you some of the proceedings of last week’s Supreme Convention. During the 137th Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus held in Minneapolis, our very own Antonio Banuelos was elected to a three-year term as a member of the international Board of Directors for the Knights of Columbus. While remaining in Iowa, he will serve as one of the twenty-four (24) brother Knights who will govern the international operations of the Order.
During the Convention, I stated the following as part of his nomination:
“Antonio has a vision for an inclusive growth and expansion of the Order trying to follow Pope Francis words of building bridges and not walls. He is a strong promoter of the insurance program of the Order and uses it as a tool to attract new members to the Order.”
On behalf of myself and the entire Iowa Knights of Columbus, we are proud in Antonio’s past accomplishment and look forward to his leadership in this important ministry of service to the Order in the years to come!
You can offer you congratulations to him via e-mail at