The Father Eugene Benda Knights of Columbus Council 11468 of St. Mary's Tipton hosted a fund raising road race on the 4th of July to raise funds for those who are in need. With over 75 runners in the 5k and 15 children in the kids one mile fun run, the Knights were able to raise $2,000.
One recipient of a $1,000 was the Cedar County General Assistance Fund. According to Bobbie Conrad, Case Management Supervisor/Assistant CPC, Cedar County General Assistance has seen an influx of need for personal hygiene supplies.

Also receiving $1,000, were the Thayer triplets. The triplets are children of Will and Chelsea Thayer of Welcome, Minnesota. Chelsea is the niece of Chad Rezac. Mason, Chase, and Ella Thayer were born premature and have had several medical bills. The infants were all on oxygen upon leaving the hospital, and to make their weekly check-ups they have to stay in a hotel over night.
Father Eugene Benda Council 11468 of the Knights of Columbus would like to thank all those who participated and helped to make this race a success.
