From October 4-12, during Respect Life Month, Knights are called to join all Catholics in prayer with Pope Francis for an end to abortion, euthanasia and the many social ills that bring illness, broken families, unhappiness and premature death, especially for the most vulnerable.
During each unique day of the novena, you can reflect on a quote selected from the teaching of Pope Francis on the sanctity of life (attached), pray a decade of the rosary, and conclude with St. John Paul II’s prayer from Evangelium Vitae(attached). By reflecting on the teachings of Pope Francis and calling upon the help of Our Lady for 9 days, we can deepen our commitment to the Gospel of Life and support the most vulnerable through prayer.
You may follow this link for more information
There will be an opportunity to pray along virtually with your State Leadership.
WSD Paul – Sunday, October 4th
WIPSD Antonio – Monday, October 5th
WSW John Z. – Tuesday, October 6th
WSA John M. – Wednesday, October 7th
Life Dir. Vern – Thursday, October 8th
WST Rick – Friday, October 9th
WIPSD Antonio – Saturday, October 10th
WSD Paul – Sunday, October 11th
WSW John Z. – Monday, October 12th
Please join in praying for life -
Vern Vondera
State Life Director