I wrote last week advising you of the schedule (see below) of the virtual Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity to be sponsored by the Supreme Council during September. Please continue to promote these virtual exemplifications among your council’s members and prospects.
As I stated at the conclusion of that email, “Now is the hour of the Knights of Columbus.” The upcoming beatification of our beloved founder is one reason why we can make that claim with such confidence. In addition to that, though, there are countless examples of the good and necessary work the Knights of Columbus accomplishes every day. That work is detailed in the attached message from Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, which is a condensed version of his annual report to the delegates to the Virtual Supreme Convention last month.
I encourage you to share this inspiring message with every member of your council…and with every prospective member. What better way to convince a man to join us in our good work – and to convince a current member to get more active – than by letting him hear from our Supreme Knight the compelling story of the Knights of Columbus today!
Anyone who watches this video will surely learn something about the Knights of Columbus. And the more people know about us, the better we look. So give every member in your council – and every prospect – the opportunity to learn something about the Knights of Columbus. Many will choose to get more active. Many will choose to join.
Vivat Jesus!
Robert J. Ennis
Director of Membership Growth
Scheduled Exemplifications
Saturday, September 12, 3:00 PM EDT
Saturday, September 26, 3:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 29, 8:00 PM EDT
Sunday, September 13, 4:00 PM EDT
Saturday, September 12, 4:00 PM EDT
Saturday, September 26, 4:00 PM EDT
Online Exemplification Procedures
The process for inviting candidates to participate remains the same:
Councils should forward the downloadable PDF invitation to all eligible prospects for admission and advancement (Click here for English, Spanish and French).
Note that they will need your council number to complete the registration.
Instruct the candidates to register for the on-demand exemplification by clicking on the "View Now" link within the PDF invitation and filling out the online form.
Contact the candidates to guide them through the registration if needed.
Candidates then participate in the ceremony, which starts immediately after registering.
After the ceremony, councils must process the candidates by submitting form 100s the traditional way or electronically in Officers Online.
This invitation is intended for new and advancing members. Existing Third and Fourth Degree members can watch the ceremony at videos.kofc.org/exemplification.