Worthy Sir Knight,
On Wednesday, you received electronically a letter from our Supreme Knight giving recommended precautions to minimize the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Our State Deputy Paul Lee has been given authority to act in the best interest of the Iowa jurisdiction and has issued further guidance (attached) counseling a cautious approach at this time in cooperation with our various diocesan offices and local parish leadership. As the number of confirmed cases in Iowa is very low we don’t see a need to cancel all Knights activities immediately unless your respective parish pastor deems otherwise. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has not issued any directives to alter any activity within our state, and we will continue to adjust based on the rapidly-changing environment.
Please coordinate with respective parish and council leadership in your decision-making deliberations. I urge you to use your best judgment in making decisions regarding meetings, gatherings, etc. and error on the side of caution to protect brother Knights, their families, and our communities. If you would like to set up teleconferencing to conduct meetings and need help please contact me for assistance.
Based upon these recommendations and local leadership input the Exemplification for Ankeny scheduled for March 28th is postponed indefinitely. We will reschedule as soon as practical relative to the COVID-19 situation and parish schedules. As of today the exemplification for State Convention in Sioux City on April 17 will go forward as planned. Those brother Knights that had planned on Ankeny may want to consider Sioux City as an option at this time.
In conjunction with the State Deputy we will continue to monitor the situation and will provide updates as they become available; especially regarding the convention.
As noted by our Supreme Knight the coming days and weeks will likely provide ample opportunity for Knights to show what we are made of as men of God. I along with your State Deputy ask that you proceed with a positive can-do attitude and help to lead your communities through this time of crisis.
If you have any questions please contact me.
Vivat Jesus!
Michael P. Gaspers District Master
Iowa Knights of Columbus c: (712) 490-2809