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Iowa Catholic Conference News update

Writer's picture: Iowa Catholic ConferenceIowa Catholic Conference

Contact Congress about the budget deal

Much is at stake as Congress considers last-minute budget deals to keep the government running. You can join the U.S. bishops in calling for bipartisan cooperation in Congress to avoid a government shutdown and enact a just budget that reduces future unsustainable deficits, protects poor and vulnerable people and advances the common good.

Please compose a message to your members of Congress to ensure adequate funding to programs that help women and children, as well as keeping our nation’s fundamental commitment to humanitarian protection. Make sure you include your own thoughts and personal experience. Thank you for taking the time to get involved!

DACA found unconstitutional

A federal district court has found the DACA program unconstitutional but allowed the program to continue for now. It is expected that the matter will be ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

DACA allows certain undocumented individuals brought to the United States as children – known as Dreamers – to remain in the country. DACA provides temporary protection from deportation and grants work authorization; it does not create a pathway to citizenship.

“This ruling is unjust and deeply upsetting,” said Anna Gallagher, CLINIC executive director. “DACA recipients are treasured members of our communities, places of worship, workplaces, and more. They are now faced with anxiety over the most basic of needs: to remain in the only home they have ever known with their families.”

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., (CLINIC) protects the legal rights of immigrant families and promotes their dignity in the Catholic tradition of welcoming the stranger.

U.S. bishops’ pro-life chair asks for “radical solidarity” with mothers

Since 1973, the Catholic Church in the United States has observed October as “Respect Life Month.” This year, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities, invites Catholics to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Respect Life Month by embracing “radical solidarity” with women facing difficult or challenging pregnancies.

Bishop Burbidge echoes Saint John Paul II, who coined the term “radical solidarity” in reference to the care owed to vulnerable pregnant women: “In firmly rejecting ‘pro-choice’ it is necessary to become courageously ‘pro woman,’ promoting a choice that is truly in favor of women. … The only honest stance, in these cases, is that of radical solidarity with the woman.”

While our efforts must remain strong to end legalized abortion, Bishop Burbidge affirmed the personal responsibility of all Catholics to “thoroughly surround mothers in need with life-giving support and personal accompaniment.”

Lawsuit challenges California assisted suicide law

Under California’s “End of Life Options Act,” people with life-threatening disabilities and only people with life-threatening disabilities who say they want to die can get a state-facilitated death. Everyone else gets suicide prevention and the protections afforded by the law and professional standards. Several groups, including the United Spinal Association and Not Dead Yet, are challenging the law in court. You can sign a petition against the law at

Suicidal thoughts or actions (even in very young children, older adults, and people with life-threatening illness/disability) are a sign of extreme distress and should not be ignored. If you or someone you know needs immediate help, call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.


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