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Into the Breach Video Series

Brother Knights,

All of you probably received the info below from Supreme on the video series, Into the Breach, this is the perfect Lenten prayer reflection program.  I challenge each of you to find time during Lent to watch the 12 - 10min videos, that's only 2hrs out of your 40days of Lent!

Why are you here? To know God. To love God. To serve God.If you are a man, you are called to share the faith. You are called to live the faith.Step into the breach this Lent to strive nobly and discover your role as a Catholic man in today’s world.The Knights of Columbus has produced a 12-episode video series inspired by the Apostolic Exhortation Into the Breach written by Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix.

Each episode features a man’s personal story and major Catholic figures such as Dr. Scott Hahn, Father Mike Schmitz, former NFL player Matt Birk, FOCUS founder Curtis Martin and others who break down and explore the virtues of Catholic masculinity.

All episodes will premiere on Ash Wednesday at

Will you step into the breach with your brother Knights and answer God’s call to lead?

Todd Roecker State Faith Director


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