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Writer's pictureMaster Fourth Degree District

19January Notes from the Iowa District

Worthy Sir Knights:

Duty Call:

Brian C. Buescher is a brother Knight from Nebraska who has been nominated to be a federal Judge. If you follow the news at all you’ve no doubt heard about his confirmation hearings where his membership in the Knights was made an issue due to “extreme positions”. These extreme positions were simply put the normal actions of Knights defending Catholic principles and putting them into practical action. You may want to review a statement on the Supreme Website plus a resolution by Sen Ben Sasse of Nebraska You can also view Sen Sasse as he addresses the Senate about this resolution:

I bring this to your attention to highlight and reinforce the need for all Sir Knights to be informed about the consequences of Faith in Action in the public square. Anti-Catholicism by those in power even in our government is real and more in evidence than ever. Now is the time for all Sir Knights need to step up to provide leadership for upholding the principles of our Catholic faith. That is, I think a fine fulfilment of the promises we made to be virtuous patriot sons of mother Church.

Veterans Terrain Garden

All Sir Knight should be aware of a major project being spearheaded by Knights at the Veterans Hospital in Des Moines. Through the efforts of Sir Knights like Robert Ukena and Mark Lyle the Terrain Therapy Garden will become a reality in 2019. This innovative and necessary addition to the Hospital grounds will provide veterans receiving care there a safe environment to enjoy the outdoors while gaining confidence in traversing various terrains like those they will encounter when returning home. Recently representatives were on Des Moines area TV to talk about the project. You can see the video here:

I am inviting all Knights, Councils and Assemblies to become informed about this project and consider making a funding donation toward its completion. Your State Council Executive Committee has already committed a $2,000 donation. Mark and Bob have agreed that Knights could pool donations and sponsor one large facet of the garden and in so doing receive a recognition plaque to be forever memorialized on the grounds. Contact or Mark Lyle for details on how to become involved; more information will be available at and on the Iowa Knights Facebook page. You can view a presentation about the garden by visiting their website

Exemplification Notices

· Sioux City Saturday February 23rd at Nativity Parish

o See flyer for further information

Looking ahead – more information will be provided as it is finalized

· Mason City Sunday April 7th

· Des Moines Convention May 3rd

Uniform Orders

· The Fourth-Degree Uniform website is officially live and functional and ready to accept orders! It can be found at

· There is also a link on that will lead you to the uniform website to place an order.

· NEW: Beret Rank Patches may be ordered when the uniform is ordered.

· Those already with uniform and needing patches DO NOT call Supreme.

o Please remember to include the following information in the e-mail.

§ Full Name

§ Address

§ Membership number

§ Position/color of patch

Christ Our Life Conference – Des Moines

Yes, it’s been a few months now; however, your District Master wants to express his thanks to all those Sir Knights that turned out to honor Christ present in the Eucharist.

Knights of Columbus Safe Environment

Last fall in this forum I encouraged assembly officers and any concerned Sir Knight to participate in the Safe Environment program. This is a reminder if you have not already signed up. All of us need to be aware of warning signs that inappropriate behavior may be happening and stop it before any boundaries are violated or anyone is violated in any way.

Any member with question about the Safe Environment program can contact Supreme.

MEMBER HELPLINE (203) 800-4940 FAX: (855) 845-3502

OFFICE OF YOUTH PROTECTION (203) 752-4558 FAX: (855) 845-3502

I encourage any member of the Knights to take the training and to be vigilant in your communities.

Please visit:

The Registration Code is kofcsafe

For suspected abuse, contact the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Helpline, 1-844-563-2723

Military Chaplains Fund

The Military Chaplains Scholarship Fund needs our financial help. All Faithful navigators of record received notice this past July of an opportunity to participate in funding for the Military Chaplains Fund. I encourage all Assemblies to consider making a donation however small.

Military Chaplains Scholarship Fund checks should be made payable to:

Knights of Columbus Charities

On Memo line write "Military Chaplains"

Mail check to:

Attn: Maryann Ludington, Charities

One Columbus Plaza

New Haven, Ct 06510

Administrative Matters

Master’s Contribution is Due:

· Bishop’s Catholic Communications Fund: @$3.00 per each Dues Paying Member

· Master’s Fund: @ $1.50 per each Dues Paying Member


Please be timely in your submission of assembly forms. NOTE that all copies of forms indicating they be sent to State Master should be mailed to District Secretary, Jim Bates at 15102 Brookview Drive, Urbandale, IA 50323-2567 or emailed to Jim at: Report due dates are listed in the Assembly Report Forms Booklet sent annually to each assembly. Forms can also be found on the Supreme Council website at: Assembly officers need to get their copy of the Fraternal Survey completed and sent in very soon.

We still have a few outstanding Report of Officers and Audits. Please check with our District Secretary if you have any questions.

Assembly Recognition

There are several awards available to recognize assemblies that are engaged in programs supporting the vision and goals of the 4th degree. I encourage each assemble to work toward the Civic Award and the “To Be a Patriot” award.

· The Civic Award is a tribute to the spirit of patriotism and national pride exemplified by the assembly’s program of activities. To qualify, the assembly must conduct and report at least four varied patriotic programs held within the fraternal year.

· The “To Be a Patriot” Award annually recognizes the three best patriotic programs conducted by Fourth Degree Assemblies each fraternal year. The assembly must submit a report on their single best patriotic activity on form #TBP-2 and send it directly to the Master by April 30.

· The Supreme Council now awards the “Star Assembly Award” It includes the above two distinctions and several other items. I encourage assembly leadership to review the requirements and make them part of your yearly goals. Included with this message is a Star Assembly Checklist.


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