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Writer's pictureMaster Fourth Degree District

19 April Notes from the Iowa District

19April Notes from the Iowa District:

Worthy Sir Knights:

Many of you have been wondering about details for the upcoming convention – I’ve been delayed in getting this information out to you – I apologize for any inconvenience.

Having candidates at any exemplification depends upon local assemblies making invitations to brother knights to take that next step on their Knighthood journey. It takes brother Sir Knights to make that invitation. Please make that effort. Remember when making the invitation to emphasize the primary purpose of the fourth degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large and encourage active Catholic citizenship.

Michael P. Gaspers

District Master

118th Annual State Convention – Des Moines

Much information for convention can be found on the state website:

Hotel Information

Convention will be held at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown. The room rate is $99.00 per night. Call 515-245-5500 to make your reservations.

Annual District Meeting Delegate Registration

Our district annual meeting will be held on Friday afternoon, May 3rd, soon after the conclusion of the exemplification. I anticipate beginning by 3:45PM. Each assembly is encouraged to send members to attend this meeting as their delegates.

The delegate registration form is attached to this email. Only members registered as delegates can vote at the annual district meeting. All members are welcome to attend and to participate however.

District Resolutions

If your assembly plans to submit a resolution for the Annual Iowa district meeting, you need to send that resolution to District Master, Michael Gaspers, no later than April 20th. His mailing address is PO Box 38, Danbury, IA 51019-0038. His email is


An exemplification will be held on Friday May 3rd as the Iowa Jurisdiction begins its state convention in Davenport. This year’s honoree will be Sir Knight Joseph Hayes in recognition of all that he has done for our Church and the Knights. Brother Hayes is very nearly at the end of his life journey, I encourage each of you as leaders of the Fourth Degree to recruit brother Knights to become Sir Knights in order that there be Knights to continue this legacy.

Attached is a copy of the Des Moines Exemplification Registration Form. We need you to proactively get candidate registrations sent in by April 26th so arrangements can be properly made. We may not be able to provide enough meals at the banquet for those that register late. Thus far, only a handful of candidates have registered.

Schedule will be as follows:

11:00 am to 12:45 pm – Registration1:00 pm to 3:00 – Exemplification Ceremony3:15 pm to 3:45 – Photo Opportunity3:45 pm to 5:00 – Fourth Degree District Annual Meeting5:30 pm to 6:30 – Social / hors d'oeuvres6:30 pm – Dinner & Program

Special Ladies activity from 1:00 to 3:00 pm will be a “Make It!” Or “Take It!” handcrafting glass bead activity and social time. The first 100 ladies who register and pay will receive a Swag Bag filled with items worth nearly $100, along with some coupons to use while in Des Moines. See the included flyer for more information – better yet give it to your wife right away!

Other Items

Collection of Bishops/Master Fund Contributions

Not all assemblies have sent in their 2019 contribution to Bishop/Master Funds. Thank you. I encourage any assemblies who have not done so to bring their contributions to Des Moines. These funds need the support of every assembly so that the Iowa District can continue to support your Bishops as we’ve done in the past. Most years we can give $2500 to each Bishop. Please be generous and timely.

Exemplification Scheduling

To build a healthy fourth degree district in Iowa we need new Sir Knights in every part of the state. Experience shows that having more exemplifications in all areas of the state make it convenient for busy younger men to join our ranks as Sir Knights. I will be asking various assemblies to consider hosting an exemplification during the coming year. Better yet bring your ideas to convention and volunteer to take the lead in scheduling on in your area.

Assembly Recognition

There are several awards available to recognize assemblies that are engaged in programs supporting the vision and goals of the 4th degree. I encourage each assemble to work toward the Civic Award and the “To Be a Patriot” award.

· The Civic Award is a tribute to the spirit of patriotism and national pride exemplified by the assembly’s program of activities. To qualify, the assembly must conduct and report at least four varied patriotic programs held within the fraternal year.

· The “To Be a Patriot” Award annually recognizes the three best patriotic programs conducted by Fourth Degree Assemblies each fraternal year. The assembly must submit a report on their single best patriotic activity on form #TBP-2 and send it directly to the Master by April 30.

· The Supreme Council now awards the “Star Assembly Award” It includes the above two distinctions and several other items. I encourage assembly leadership to review the requirements and make them part of your yearly goals.


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